Time has been kind to this C330. The lenses and body are in great condition. Pictures come out as they should and all the knobs are spin smoothly. It comes with a WLVF(Waist Level Viewfinder) that should really give you joy while composing a photo. It comes with the fantastic Mamiya Sekor S 80mm f/2.8 Blue dot Lens.
The C330 was released in 1969 as part of the Mamiya C series of interchangeable lens medium format TLR cameras. It is an improved version of the Mamiya C33.
Similar to other models in the series, it supports an interchangeable finder viewing system allowing options such as a chimney style magnifier, eye-level prism, and the traditional waist level finder. A new feature of the C330 is interchangeable focusing screens. There are six additional types of screens available. It can be changed by first removing the finder, extending the bellows, and then rotating the lever on the front of the screen holder.
The right side of the camera no longer has the lens distance scale window. It has moved to the left side of the body. This six-sided scale is interchangeable and can be switched to a variety of focal lengths by rotation of the knob. The lens parallax selector knob has been redesigned with more focal lengths which now include the 55mm, 65mm, and 250mm lenses.
The film transport system is similar to the previous C33 model, the C330 uses a film advance crank and supports cocking of the shutter automatically during the winding stage. Unlike the C33, the winding can be done in a single clockwise 360-degree rotation, and cannot be turned backward. The back cover no longer has the film-loaded red window, as it fully supports both 120 and 220 film. It uses a rotating pressure plate inside the back, which also switched the film-type display window. The film counter is automatically adjusted for 120 or 220 film. The back cover can be removed and replaced with the single exposure cut film sheet back. Removing the back requires opening the cover halfway and sliding the metal hinge release.
There are two shutter releases, one on the lower right-hand side base of the body and another plastic downward-firing one at the right side of the front standard. They can be locked by sliding a small dial to the L position by the downward release. The one on the base supports a screw-in cable release. The tripod socket can accept both 1/4" and 3/8".